Kontakt ul. Wileńska 4, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 665 6001
e-mail: icnt@umk.pl


Zdjęcie ilustracyjne

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

On 8-9th April 2025 there will be held in Torun the international scientific conference Neurodegenerative Disorders and the Gut-Brain Axis.

Topics will include neurodegenerative diseases and the development of neuroprotective solutions using nutritional interventions, and the role of the gut-brain axis in neurodegeneration. Two sessions were planned: theoretical and practical, combined with a presentation of ICNT laboratories. The speakers will be eminent specialists in the field of neurology, neurodegeneration and microbiome from Poland and abroad.

Co-organizers of conference are: the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project in Japan and the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine Mossakowski of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

As the Chairwoman of the Scientific Committee I would like to invite you to participate actively in this scientific meetings in 2025.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Aleksandra Wypych
On behalf of the Organising Committee


Scientific Committee

  • Aleksandra Wypych
  • Paweł Pomastowski
  • Michał Złoch
  • Małgorzata Szultka-Młyńska

 Organising Committee

  • Aleksandra Wypych
  • Joanna Rudnicka
  • Maciej Cieślak

Form of participation:

  • Lecture 30 minute
  • Oral presentation 15 minute (12 min. for presentation and 3 min. for discussion)
  • Poster (as A0 format)
  • Without presentation

Abstract (one page A4) should be written using font 12 Times New Roman, single spaced. Title: capital letters. Author (s): surname after name initials; in the case of coauthors should be underline name of the author presenting the results. Address of the author (s): give the full postal and electronic address.

Abstract should be submitted in electronic form (MS Word) until 15th February 2025 to Joanna Rudnicka via e‑mail address: jrud@umk.pl

English is the official language of the conference.

The information about the form of presentation will be send on 28th February 2025 by Organizing Committee.



Registration is open to 14th March 2025. For registration please fill Registration Form


Conference fee

The Conference is FREE OF CHARGE
The participant will bear the costs related to travel and accommodation.
The conference allows for a hybrid form - presentation of lectures via the Microsoft Teams platform.


Centre for Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
Wileńska 4 St., 87-100 Torun
room B1.9


Please contact with Organizing Committee:

dr n. med. Aleksandra Wypych PhD, eMBA
Head of MRI (fMRI) Lab
Centre for Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
4 Wileńska St., 87-100 Toruń, Poland
e-mail: wypych@umk.pl

Conference poster

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